While it lacks the subtle charm of Alberto Tomba, this robot is just as much at ease flying down a slalom course. Designed by Bojan Nemec of the the Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia, the robot utilizes two computers to stay upright and pointed downhill.<br />

The upper part of the robot contains a USB camera, a GPS system and the computer that processes the information from those sources to keep the robot heading in the right direction. The lower portion of the robot contains a computer that controls the legs, and the gyroscope that keeps the robot balanced. </p>
<p>Nemec created the robot to test ski equipment, and to help model virtual reality skiing simulations. So far, Picabo Street can rest easy, as the robot can't even ski in a straight line. In fact, Nemec doesn't think the robot will beat a human in the next five years.  </p>
<p>To further assuage your fears of a metal athlete taking home the gold at the Winter Olympics, here's a blooper reel that proves something falling down on a ski slope is always funny, whether it be man or machine. </p>

[via IEEE Spectrum]